Grief After the loss of a child lasts a lifetime
Spirituality is one of the most common and effective coping mechanisms for grief.
About 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage (pregnancy loss up to 20 weeks of gestation). About 21,100 babies are stillborn (loss of pregnancy after 20 weeks) and almost 20,000 babies die before their first birthday in the United States each year.
Fetal and Infant Soul Death Rites
Energetically assisting the transition of the deceased fetal and infant soul safely back to the heavenly home.
We as a society customarily enlist clergy to pray for the soul of the deceased adult or child during funeral services or at the grave site. Similar rituals and blessings should be provided for all fetal and infant loved ones. Including those who have been created and growing within the womb, but have sustained physical death prior to, or immediately after fully entering the world.
The soul is indestructible, therefore remains after destruction of the physical body by intent or naturally by Mother Nature. Often religions teach belief in either heaven and hell or reincarnation. Regardless of belief, the soul remaining after the death of the physical body would benefit from prayer, energetic rituals, and ceremonies to ensure a safe journey back to the heavenly abode. That is one of the transcendental journeys that we offer.
Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) Care & Postpartum Syndrome Care
Research has shown that Energy Healing may be very beneficial to women suffering from Postpartum and Post Abortion Depression, Medical or Induced Abortions, Neonatal Death, and Birth Defects. It helps stimulate and accelerate the body’s own natural healing processes, bringing back into balance and alignment.

Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS)
Postpartum depression is a significant issue worldwide, affecting 10-15% of women around the world.
Negative reactions, following an abortion, can include extreme grief, guilt, shame, anger, regret, or increased symptoms of emotional disorders.
A recent National Institute of Health study of 185 women who suffered a spontaneous abortion, 54% were depressed.
It is common knowledge that grief benefits from treatment following the death of a loved one. The death of a fetus, previously thriving within a woman’s body, will frequently cause the same psychological reactions.
It is known with certainty that any traumatic event can lead to PTSD and abortion or loss of a baby is not an exception.
If a woman makes the decision to have an abortion, it is possible to experience some emotional conflict. Although some women do experience relief, according to the circumstances and the individual.
Blues, Depression, Psychosis (can lead to substance abuse, suicide, infanticide). One out of seven women are affected by this condition.
Counseling, Energy Medicine Healing techniques, Rituals, Ceremony, Meditation and Prayer, as offered here, have proven to be quite beneficial for the mother, father, and siblings, following an abortion.
Postpartum Depression Syndrome (PDS)
Blues, Depression, Psychosis (can lead to substance abuse, suicide, infanticide). One out of seven women are affected by this condition.
Postpartum depression is a significant issue worldwide, affecting 10-15% of women around the world.
If you have had your baby in the last year and have been experiencing symptoms of extreme sadness, low energy, anxiety and irritability, or if you experience crying episodes and have a change in sleeping and eating patterns, you could be suffering from Postpartum Depression. This condition often occurs in the first three months after child birth, but can come on any time within the first year.

Men frequently expressed that their experience of a partner having an abortion was very stressful, more so than they had been prepared for. Men may be asked for more emotional support and physical caretaking than they are used to giving, which can also be stressful. At the same time, men who are not asked for this assistance report feeling higher levels of stress. Overburdening stress often leads to mind, body, and spiritual abuse of partners and children.
Couples Empowerment Ceremony
To clear, cleanse, repair energetic boundaries, reunite and empower the couple or family following the stressful situation they have not only survived but have evolved their union.

Out Of Body Experiences

Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval is an ancient technique. However, it parallels the contemporary psychological diagnosis of Dissociation, a mental process where a person disconnects from their thoughts, feelings, memories or sense of identity during traumatic incidents. The soul may leave the body for protection.
The spiritual healer will attain an appropriate altered state of consciousness, energetically travel into the non-ordinary realms, and attempt to locate the soul. If the soul is located they will address, whatever it is that caused the soul to fragment. The goal is to return a healed soul back to the physical body or to assist it onward to the higher dominions.
Shaman and other spiritual healers may focus on locating and integrating lost parts of yourself which may have become ‘split off’ through mental or physical trauma, illness or loss. The goal being return of wholeness to the client.
Coma is a state as near death as it is possible to get without actually being dead.
Comas are instances where the client has lost consciousness, although if the soul is contacted and unharmed, telepathic communication may be possible.
With Soul Retrieval techniques, it is sometimes possible to locate the soul consciousness (spirit), communicate with it and offer assistance back to their physical body and wake up, or to die and travel safely to the higher realms.

Image courtesy of George RedHawk via Twitter
A COMA (From the Greek κῶμα koma, meaning “deep sleep”) is defined medically as a state of unconsciousness lasting more than six hours, in which a person:
- cannot be awakened
- fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound
- lacks a normal sleep-wake cycle; and,
- does not initiate voluntary actions.
Coma work takes place within the boundary of the medical system and the family culture.

The soul can spontaneously leave the body or follow a planned journey referred to as Astral Projection.
Clients may have been trained to return, while others may require assistance to fully return home. Consciously leaving on repeated adventures can prepare an individual for their death transition. Transcendent Journeys offers assistance for those folks who experience issues fully returning to their body.