What is a Death Doula (End of Life Doula, Death Midwife or Death Companion)

A Death Doula is a non-medical and holistic practitioner who guides individuals and their families through the dying process. Just as Birth Doulas support mothers birthing a new life, Death Doulas support individuals leaving this life into the next.

Why would I need a Death Doula?

We are a calming and reassuring presence with knowledge of the death process, and a compassionate resource for families who may be overwhelmed and grieving at the impending death of their loved one. We offer a variety of services to assist in the transition of dying including a grounding, reliable, knowledgeable, and comforting presence during a most emotional time.

How are you different from what hospice offers?

I highly recommend every individual and family facing a terminal illness and end of life call their local hospice as soon as possible. Though our doula services do not replace hospice’s medical team of nursing and physician care, we complement hospice teams seamlessly. We offer more time, more personalized attention, more advocacy, and more availability beyond what hospice is normally able to provide due to Medicare guidelines.

When should I contact you for Doula services?

I can be contacted at any time during the end-of-life process. The sooner I can enter into the process, the more time can be spent getting to know the individual and family, creating quality care plans, prioritizing end of life needs, and creating sacred space and meaning for the individual and family.

Do I have to be dying to work with you?

No. Transcendent Journeys is not your traditional Death Doula practice. Assisting not only those folks in the death transition, our services include: escorting fetal souls back to their heavenly home during and after abortion and Soul Retrievals.

There is no single path to conscious dying. Different from most Doula services, our focus is to teach clients to step out of confusion into light and freedom; in order to die peacefully with a pure, clear state of mind.We can also assiI can also assist folks having trouble moving beyond the physical world. I offer a Shared Death Experience (SDE) by moving out of the body with someone who is close to the death transition, needing assistance. This practice introduces clients to the transition environment and offers the gift of reassurance that death is not the end.st folks having trois Services are offered via phone and video conference.


44 Yucca Dr, Sedona, AZ 86336


(800) 674-1006


Copyright © 2023 Transcendent Journeys